
In some countries, states and territories, animal manipulation and farriery is a controlled or restricted activity that may only be conducted by a qualified practitioner or veterinarian.

Please check with your local authorities if you are unsure of the legislation in your area. Nothing contained in this website or accompanying materials represents an inducement by Mr Darrall Clifford, Dr Lena Clifford, Dr Rowan Kilmartin or The Horse Care College for the user to contravene local laws and regulations regarding animal manipulation.

Any activity involving horses has the potential for danger to both the horse and handler. Please ensure you conduct a risk assessment before you begin. Any attempt of these activities is undertaken at your own risk.

The user of these courses accepts full responsibility for any use of the information provided in this course. Nothing contained in these courses replaces the advice of your equine veterinarian or chiropractor. In the case of an injured or ill horse, it is recommended that you seek advice of your veterinarian.

Under no circumstances will Mr Darrall Clifford, Dr Lena Clifford, Dr Rowan Kilmartin, The Horse Care College, its officers and employees be held liable for any injury or claim arising from the use or misuse of any information contained in these courses or in printed or audio-visual materials accompanying this course. In undertaking any exercise described in these courses, the user indemnifies and holds blameless Mr Darrall Clifford, Dr Lena Clifford, Dr Rowan Kilmartin and The Horse Care College, its officers and employees for any outcome that may result from the user's application of the exercise.